UN Security Council reject Russian’s Proposal for a Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza .

A draft resolution proposed by Rusia at the Security Council on the Situation in Gaza was not aded as it failed to obtain the required number of Affirmative Votes.





The UN Security Council on Monday night in New York failed to adopt a resolution proposed by Russia that would have called for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, which has been ravaged by almost 10 days of fighting between Israel and Hamas militants.

The Russian-led draft resolution received five votes in favour (China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates) and four against (France, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States), with six abstentions (Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, Malta, and Switzerland).

Members were divided over the lack of specific condemnation of extremist group Hamas, which began the current escalation of violence, sending hundreds of fighters to carry out massacres in settlements near to the Gaza Strip on 7 October.

For the Council to adopt a resolution, the proposal must receive at least nine votes in favour, with none of its five permanent members opposing or casting a veto.

The draft text had called for a humanitarian ceasefire, release of all hostages, aid access, and safe evacuation of civilians.