Court refuses Tukur Mamu’s request for transfer from DSS custody | read why


Court refuses Tukur Mamu’s request for transfer from DSS custody | read why

Justice Inyang Edem Ekwo of the Federal High Court in Abuja, on Monday, refused to grant self acclaimed terr0rists’ negotiator, Mohammed Tukur Mamu’s request to be transferred from the custody of the Department of the State Service, DSS, to Kuje Prison in Abuja.

Mamu is standing trial for terrorism offences slammed on him by the Federal Government and had been in DSS custody following the refusal of the court to admit him to bail.
Justice Ekwo, while delivering ruling on the application, said the Federal Government had raised the issues of incessant jail breaks in prisons as a major ground to oppose the request for transfer to Kuje.

He held that Mamu did not contradict or dispute the averments as required by law.
According to the Judge, since the averments were not challenged by Mamu, they are deemed to be true facts and facts admitted need no further proof.
He subsequently ordered him to remain in DSS custody throughout his trial in the criminal charges against him.

Justice Ekwo, however, affirmed his earlier order that the terrorist negotiator be allowed to access his personal physician for medical treatment with the supervisions of the DSS.
Mamu, through his lawyer, Abdul Mohammed, SAN, had on April 29, alleged that the order of the court made on December 19, 2023, that he be allowed access to his personal physician for medical treatment was not complied with by the DSS.
In his motion on notice argued by Mohammed, he claimed that he was allowed access to the physician once during which a report of comprehensive medical examination to be carried out on him was submitted to the DSS.

Since the submission of the report, Mamu alleged that the physician had not been allowed to access him and that he needed urgent surgical operations in any hospital in the country.
The defendant further claimed that his health had since deteriorated and that he may lose his life any moment if he was not moved out of DSS custody to Kuje Prison.
He promised regular attendance in court, adding that he can only stand trial when alive.
Recall that Mamu was arrested at the Aminu Kano International Airport upon his arrival from Egypt on September 6, 2022, over his alleged relationship with terr-orists who attacked the Abuja-Kaduna train on March 28, 2022.
The DSS, on March 21, 2023, arraigned him on 10 counts of terro-rism financing, among others.
He however pleaded not guilty to the charges.