Minister of Works, locked out of Office due to his highhandedness: Protesting Workers.
The workers, who accused Umahi of highhandedness, adding that the minister prevented workers who were late to work from gaining access to the ministry.

Protesting workers in the Ministry of Works have locked the minister, Dave Umahi, inside his office on Thursday morning.
The workers, who accused Umahi of highhandedness adding that the minister prevented workers who were late to work from gaining access to the ministry.
The union members comprising the Housing and Works Ministry decided to lock up the ministry.
The workers also blocked entry and exit into the building thereby preventing the minister from leaving the office premises.
They also claimed that Umahi “stopped engineers and directors from doing their work, and has been breaking public service rules since his appointment, by bringing in consultants to run the affairs of the ministry”
A union official, Williams Kudi, said that the minister has refused to grant them an audience to express their concern and his disregard for civil service rules is the reason for their protest.
The protesting workers also Claimed that the protest was conducted within the confines of the Civil service rules.